Jet Engines: Fundamentals of Theory, Design and Operation
Broaden your knowledge of jet engine technology and its associated subjects. This is a technically comprehensive study of the components that constitute a gas turbine aero-engine and examines each part's design and function in practice. Concentrates on turbojet, turboprop and turbofan designs, and is applicable to civilian and military usage. Contains an overview of the main design types and fundamentals, and looks at air intakes, compressors, turbines and exhaust systems in great detail.
Making baby quilts has always been a source of enjoyment for me. Through the years, I've given away at least one hundred and fifty of them to friends and relatives, and I'm still making them. What fun it was when my first grandchild arrived! I made Anthony a very special quilt before his birth and, of course, after he was born, I had to make one especially for him with his name on it in a design a boy would treasure. When he turned two, he had to have a Christmas quilt in keeping with the season for cold December nights. He came to me one day, not long after his little brother had arrived, and said,
Unintelligent Design: Why God Isn't as Smart as She Thinks She Is
Providing a humorous argument against creationism, this witty book debunks popular theories of intelligent design while showing how science can explain nearly everything, including sinus pain, hedonism, hernias, and morality.
Do students who work longer and harder learn more in college? Does joining a fraternity with a more academic flavor enhance a student's academic performance? When are the results from an innovation that is tried on one campus applicable to other campuses? How many students and faculty members must participate in a research project before findings are valid? Do students learn best when they study alone or in small groups?