Canadian Gardening is Canada's Gardening Magazine. Download today for tips, advice and do it yourself guides on landscaping for both your indoor and outdoor gardening needs.
Natural Home is the authority on sustainable home design and materials, earth-friendly decor and natural lifestyles. Since 1999, health-conscious, environmentally concerned consumers have turned to Natural Home for information, advice and inspiration to create beautiful, earth-friendly living spaces.
Digital Camera World is your guide to digital imaging and digital photography. Each issue is full of digital camera reviews, digital imaging tips and tricks, digital photography tutorials, digital imaging software and accessory reviews, and the opinions and advice of digital photography experts
As a university prof teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes) and EAP (English for Academic Purposes) courses at undergraduate level, I regularly use texts that offer authentic language (English, not designed for english teching) from various fields to design study material, mostly from the technology and business sectors.