Wrapped in Lace: Knitted Heirloom Designs from Around the World
The spectacular knitted lace designs of New Zealand designer Margaret Stove are truly the pinnacle of the craft. In Wrapped in Lace, dive into Margaret’s love fo learning and creating knitted lace, then begin your own journey to master lace knitting with 12 original patterns.
Darling of high society, creator of the "New Look", Dior shot to international fame almost overnight at the age of 47. At first his creations provoked angry accusations of unpatriotic extravagance, but women everywhere soon warmed to his hour-glass lines and long, rustling skirts. In this work, Dior's most characteristic designs - dresses and hats, shoes and accessories - are featured, with an outline of his career and his inspired output.
Elegant Scarves And Wraps: 25 Gorgeous Felt Designs
In this enticing new book, the author demonstrates how to use the inspiration of nature in the design and color of beautiful and distinctive scarves and wraps. Reader's can follow the step-by-step instructions and explore the collection of colors, textures and patterns in the project variations to create their own stylish scarves and wraps for both men and women. Each chapter has a different theme, and introduces new felt making techniques or skills through step-by-step instruction and extended captions, plus the projects are arranged according to weight for a variety of uses and conditions.
Scandinavian Stitches: 21 Playful Projects with Seasonal Flair
The first flowers of spring, the smell of the sea, the warm colors of the maple leaves... inspire Kajsa to stitch, sew, and share. Each season is a new beginning and a great excuse to take on a new project. Her bright, colorful designs are sure to make you smile.
Encyclopedia of 300 Crochet Patterns, Stitches and Designs
The elegant art of crochet is making a comeback and this book contains everything you need to know to create beautiful handmade items that are destined to become heirlooms. Are you one of those rare people who give unique, beautiful crocheted gifts and have special touches like lace doilies and homemade afghans around your home? Or are you a rare person who has the skill and patience to learn the fine an of crochet Whether you are a beginner or an advanced crochet connoisseur, this book is for you. It has clear, easy-to-follow guidelines for the crochet novice anil intricate designs to intrigue the expert.