Student Learning Assessment Options and Resources 2nd edition
In order to address the needs of every reader, this handbook starts with the development of learning goals and individual assessment strategies, builds to the creation of a written assessment plan, and ends with a chapter on using assessment results.
Each of the chapters in this handbook focuses on a different component of the assessment process and describes considerations, options, and resources related to that component. The chapters are meant to stand alone or in combination with each other, and the handbook can be valuable to support different approaches.
Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Other | 19 October 2014
Gates dispenses his lessons respectably. For the most part, he places Lincoln correctly in these different groups and along these different measures, even though it requires conceding that Lincoln fell far short of our own conceptions of justice and humanity. Amid the current bicentennial emoting, it is refreshing to read an evaluation of Lincoln that refuses, as Gates writes, to 'romanticize him as the first American president completely to transcend race and racism.'
There are many reference works on the cold war, including The Cold War Encyclopedia (1996) and the recent Historical Dictionary of the Cold War (2000). These works put a crucial period of the twentieth century into perspective. They share an international focus, driven in part by the global nature of the cold war, the events that defined it, and the people who fought it. This new encyclopedia takes a different tack, focusing almost exclusively on American domestic events and issues and touching on international themes only when they are relevant to the U.S. scene.
How do books, newspapers, music recordings, movies, television shows, and online sites get made? How does content in different media get funded, produced and delivered to the right audiences? Why do certain materials and not others get created and distributed in different media? What role do governments (federal, state, local) play in the process? (This book) addresses these and related questions with concrete examples from a wide variety of mass media - from books to cable television, highway billboards to online services.
This two-part volume provides a collection of 27 linguistic studies and contributions that shed light on the evolution of different Englishes world-wide (varieties, learner Englishes, dialects, creoles) from a broad spectrum of different perspectives, including both synchronic and diachronic approaches. What makes the volume unique is that it is the first-ever contribution to the field which includes a section exclusively commited towards testing, discussing and refining Schneider’s (2007) Dynamic Model against recent realities of English world-wide (Part 1).