Discover everything you ever wanted to know about anything with this first reference for young readers and writers. This is an inspiring and comprehensive collection of the best in the "DK First Reference" series, all gathered together in one superb volume. From prehistoric life to space travel, bacteria to the human brain help, your child discover all about the world we live in. They'll discover how life on Earth began, how the human body works, how people lived in Ancient Egypt, why some dinosaurs were so huge, what makes machines work, the countries of the world and much, much more.
This title covers everything you never knew about the human body. From what makes blood red to why a haircut is painless, it helps your child discover all about the human body. Fantastic facts and far-out photos answer a multitude of quirky questions and tell the head-to-toe story of what makes our bodies tick. They'll take a look at our circulation system and discover how blood travels around the body and why our heart beats faster when we run.
The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People
Two long-time students of the Enneagram have teamed up to demystify this uncanny personality-typing system. In a witty and informative book packed with cartoons, exercises, and personality types, the authors help everyone discover and appreciate his or her type.
Discover is a science magazine that publishes articles about science for a general audience. The monthly magazine was launched in October 1980 by Time Inc. Discover was originally launched into a burgeoning market for science magazines aimed at educated non-professionals, intended to be somewhat easier to read than Scientific American but more detailed and science-oriented than magazines like Popular Science. Discover was left largely alone in its market space by the mid-1980s, but nevertheless decided to appeal to a wider audience, including more articles on psychology and psychiatry.
All-new Low-Carb Cookbook offers more than 55 recipes that let you give in to your cravings while keeping carbs down. Supercharge your mornings with highprotein breakfasts. Discover deliciously different lunch and dinner recipes that are sure to please.