Discovery School - Jeff Corwin Experience: Arizona: A Desert Ecosystem
With its combination of dry, cracked earth, stifling hot temperatures and wide vistas, the Arizona desert may seem a barren wasteland. Jeff discovers that this area is crawling with creatures equipped to thrive in these harsh conditions.
Discovery School - Jeff Corwin Experience: Alaska: An Extreme Environment
Alaska, a largely unexplored and undeveloped terrain, serves as a giant playground for some of the world's most majestic wildlife. In this rugged frontier, Jeff is facing some of his most challenging searches yet with moose, salmon, musk ox, and octopus.
Discovery School - Jeff Corwin Experience: Wild Cats
See why the big cats are some of the most dangerous animals Jeff has come across in his travels. In this around-the-globe tour, meet the African maneless lion in Kenya, tigers and the Asiatic lion in India, mountain lions in Florida and California, jaguars in the Amazon Basin, and cheetahs and lions in Tanzania.
Of the world's thousands of snake species, most are nonvenomous. Yet that doesn't stop them from getting a bad rap throughout the temperate and tropical zones where they live. Travel around the globe to meet a variety of these limbless reptiles.
Discovery School - Jeff Corwin Experience: Insects and Arachnids
How do spiders and other arachnids differ from insects? Travel around the world with Jeff to learn the answer. You'll visit Spain for a look at the dung beetle, Morocco to view scorpions, and Africa to observe termites.