Nuclear power, another buzz phrase to add to your vocabulary, but what exactly is new about it and what is the hype all about? This book is about setting
the record straight, putting the myths to bed, stating the facts and outlining what new nuclear power is all about.
Ever wondered why nobody hears you in meetings, or wished people would take you more seriously? Or maybe you're unhappy with your accent, or you feel insecure about your high-pitched or monotonous voice? Voice and Speaking Skills For Dummies will help you to discover the power of your voice, understand how it works, and use your voice like a professional whether in meetings, addressing an audience, or standing in front of a classroom. Take a deep breath, relax those vocal cords, and make your speech sparkle!
Are you baffled by biochemistry? You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. Here’s the good news — you don’t have to stay baffled! Biochemistry For Dummies shows you the fun and easy way to get a handle on biochemistry, apply the science, raise your grades, and prepare yourself to ace any standardized test.
Predictive Analysis Software (PASW), formerly SPSS software, is the leading statistical software used by commerical, government, and academic organizations around the world to solve business and research problems. It allows you to quickly and easily discover new insights from data, test hypotheses, and build powerful predictive models.
PASW Statistics For Dummies covers everything you need to know to get up and running with this efficient and practical software.
Your hands-on, friendly guide to writing young adult fiction With young adult book sales rising, and bestselling authors like J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer exploding onto the scene, aspiring YA writers are more numerous than ever. Are you interested in writing a young adult novel, but aren't sure how to fit the style that appeals to young readers? Writing Young Adult Fiction For Dummies gives you tricks of the trade and proven tips on all the steps to write a YA book, from developing an idea to publication.