Is your knowledge of The Crusades less than tip-top? Maybe you're curious about Columbus, or you're desperate to read about the Black Death in all its gory detail? Whatever your starting point, this expert guide has it all - from kings, knights and anti-Popes, to invasion, famine, the Magna Carta and Joan of Arc (and a few rebellious peasants thrown in for good measure!). Get ready for a rip-roaring ride through the political, religious and cultural life of the Middle Ages, one of the most talked-about periods in history.
Vocabulary for DummiesGet a handle on difficult words and get ahead at school, at work, in life
Packed with sample conversations and usage examples
Talk (and write) your way to success with better vocabulary Don't be intimidated by unfamiliar words ? make them your own! Filled with over 7,500 great vocabulary words along with fun facts and lots of everyday examples and tips, Vocabulary For Dummies shows you word by word how to write with panache (flair), speak with élan (style), and get ahead, whether you're in school or out in the work world.
Untangle the jargon and understand how you′re involved in everyday economics If you want to get to grips with the basics of economics and understand a subject that affects us all on a daily basis, then look no further than Economics For Dummies. This easy to understand guide takes you through the world of economics from understanding micro– and macroeconomics to demystifying complex topics such as capitalism and recession. This updated edition walks you through the history, principles and theories of economics as well as breaking down all the complicated terminology, leaving you clued up on economics in no time.
Added by: coganglen | Karma: 35.65 | Other | 31 July 2011
Global warming for dummies
Hotly debated in the political arena and splashed across the media almost 24/7, global warming has become the topic of the moment. Whatever one's views on its cause, there is no denying that the earth's climate is changing, and people everywhere are worried. Global Warming For Dummies sorts out fact from fiction, explaining the science behind climate change and examining the possible long-term effects of a warmer planet. This no-nonsense yet friendly guide helps you explore solutions to this challenging problem, from what governments and industry can do to what you can do at home and how to get involved. Understand global warming and what you can do to make a positive difference!
Most people begin to draw as soon as they can hold a crayon and then continue drawing enthusiastically throughout childhood. Some people keep drawing right into adulthood, while others wander off in different directions for a while and then rediscover drawing later in life. Because we’ve designed this book to be a helpful, user-friendly resource that assumes nothing about your experience, Drawing For Dummies, 2nd Edition, meets you wherever you are. Our philosophy is simple: If you know how to see and make comparisons, you have what it takes to draw.