Professional Blogging For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Anyone who blogs knows that it is a fun, creative way for sharing thoughts and opinions. Now imagine making money from that hobby! This practical, how-to guide shows you how you can get serious about using your blog and implement advertising, sponsorship, partnerships, and affiliate marketing options to turn your hobby into extra income, or even a full-time career.
There are more than 5,400 timeshare resorts in destinations as diverse as England and Africa, Orlando and Shanghai. More than 3 million North Americans own timeshares around the world. Is timeshare ownership for you? Packed with information for current and prospective owners, this guide points out the plusses and the pitfalls and lets you in on the smartest ways to buy, sell, or swap timeshares.
This hands–on guide will help you prepare for and manage simple home repairs and improvements. Jeff Howell (the Sunday Telegraph?s DIY columnist) and a host of other experts guide you through the trials and tribulations of DIY, helping you to carry out a range of projects ??from fixing a leaky tap to hanging wallpaper ??safely, cheaply and with minimum disruption. The full–colour drawings illustrate the step–by–step techniques and the lay–flat binding is perfect for on–the–job DIY advice.
Lindy Powell finds a ventriloquist dummy in the dumpster behind a house and decides to call it Slappy. Lindy is soon being offered $20 to perform at birthday parties and Kris, her twin sister, begins to ask her parents for a dummy of her own. Mr. Powell brings home another ventriloquist dummy for Kris that she calls Mr. Wood and the two dummies come to life and start doing evil things.
Thinking about buying or selling items on eBay? Whether you want to use eBay to make smart bids and win auctions or turn household clutter into cash, eBay for Dummies, Fifth Edition is your passport to the most successful trading community on the planet. Beginning with an overview of what eBay is and how to become a registered user, eBay for Dummies helps you discover how you can: