The Economist is a global weekly magazine written for those who share an uncommon interest in being well and broadly informed. Each issue explores the close links between domestic and international issues, business, politics, finance, current affairs, science, technology and the arts.
Since its original publication in 2000, Game Theory Evolving has been considered the best textbook on evolutionary game theory. This completely revised and updated second edition of Game Theory Evolving contains new material and shows students how to apply game theory to model human behavior in ways that reflect the special nature of sociality and individuality. The textbook continues its in-depth look at cooperation in teams, agent-based simulations, experimental economics, the evolution and diffusion of preferences, and the connection between biology and economics.
What Everyone Should Know about Economics and Prosperity
Most of you do not want to spend a lot of time learning new terms, memorizing formulas, or mastering details that are important only to professional economists.What you want are the insights of economics that reallymatter—those thatwill help youmake better personal choices and enhance your understanding of our complex world. And you want those insights to be presented in a concise, organized, and readable manner, with a minimum of economics jargon. This short book attempts to meet both of these objectives.
Economics for Business & Management: A Student Text
Economics for Business and Management is a highly accessible text for students. It introduces the key principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics and applies them to a wide variety of situations encountered by decision makers. The book emphasises the economic perspectives needed to understand the various functional and strategic areas of business and management. Written for 1st year undergraduate courses on economics, with a business or management focus.
Introducing Economics: A Critical Guide for Teaching
Make economics resonate to high school students. This practical handbook will help economics and social studies teachers foster critical thinking by introducing students to the real-life dimensions of the major controversies in contemporary economics. Filled with useful teaching tips and user-friendly information on finding engaging materials and activities for the classroom, the book also includes detailed coverage of the Voluntary National Content Standards for economics