Algebraic Codes on Lines, Planes, and Curves: An Engineering Approach
Algebraic geometry is often employed to encode and decode signals transmitted in communication systems. This book describes the fundamental principles of algebraic coding theory from the perspective of an engineer, discussing a number of applications in communications and signal processing. The principal concept is that of using algebraic curves over finite fields to construct error-correcting codes.
Extensive, introductory-level, coverage of mechanical properties and failure which is the most important materials considerations for many engineers. * This book judiciously and extensively makes use of illustrations and photographs. The approximate 500 figures include a large number of photographs that shoe the microstructure of various materials.
This book is specially written for the use of students of RGPV, Bhopal. It covers the entire syllabus on Basic Civil Engineering as per RGPV, Bhopal. It is divided into five sections and each section is further divided into a suitable number of chapters. Care has been taken to see that entire syllabus is covered to the required extent. Simple language has been used, neat sketches are presented and problems are solved in detail.
The Hoover Dam is recognized as one of the seven engineering wonders of the modern world. The construction of this behemoth dam - the inspiration of one Arthur Powell Davis - was an incredible feat on many levels. Years-long political disputes had to be settled. Individuals and companies in the engineering and construction realms had to bond together to form a single company capable of taking on such a groundbreaking project. Thousands of workers from around the country flocked to the project to flee the poverty of the Great Depression.