Young Learners Go! is a complete English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course that gives young learners a solid foundation and a positive first experience in learning English.
Relevant: teaches English through meaningful themes and practical contexts that are relevant to learners' daily lives
Based on the multiple intelligences theory: designed to introduce and reinforce language items through specially crafted activities that engage the multiple intelligences in learners
Spiral progression teaching: allowing for a complete understanding and acquisition of the language for learners
Added by: the real falcon | Karma: 15.01 | Multimedia | 30 June 2007
English Discoveries is the resulting product of a joint development effort of Berlitz and EDUsoft, a product designed to provide Speakers of Other/ Foreign Languages with a tool that enables them to survive and thrive in an English-speaking environment. English Discoveries represents a completely new concept in ESL/EFL computer software technology - a full-color, multimedia learning system that makes it fast, fun and easy for young adults and adults to learn English. Rapidshare mirror added. Thanks to visan!
This fully up-to-date edition takes account of recent changes in UK legislation. It is a handy desk reference for lawyers and an ideal source of legal terminology for students and secretaries in any country where the legal system is based on English law. It provides clear, jargon-free information for professionals, students, and people without a legal qualification. Over 4,000 entries define and explain the major terms, concepts, processes, and the organization of the English legal system. It features authoritative and up-to-date articles which have been written by practising and academic lawyers. New entries cover the Woolf reforms, human rights law, as well as family law, central and local government, and international law.
Writing and Presenting in English - The Rosetta Stone of Science
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks | 26 June 2007
Writing and Presenting in English - The Rosetta Stone of Science
This book is written specifically for scientists who have received formal education in speaking and writing English but for whom English is not a native nor an easily comfortable language.
Part 1 of the book covers the style preferred by today's leading journals, discusses how to prepare models for writing research papers, and provides advice for writing abstracts, proposals, and editing. Examples of cover letters are also given. Part 2 discusses the various arts and techniques used by successful presenters at scientific conferences.
The content of the book is presented in a light, simple and informative manner making The Rosetta Stone of Science an entertaining and instructive read. This book will prove invaluable to all scientists, research fellows, post-docs, and graduate students whose first language is not English. 2007-06-26. The book was uploaded on the server.
Whaddaya Say? is the result of 25 years of research on reduced forms. Since 1981, it has helped thousands of students around the world understand English as it is really spoken. This easy-to-use listening book introduces students to the most common reduced forms of spoken English for going to, want to, have to, and more - fully contextualized in conversations that are both practical and entertaining. Each of the text's 30 lessons include a auto segment that introduces new reduced forms, followed by comprehension questions and practice exercises.