Varieties of English: An Introduction to the Study of Languages
A topic-based introduction to spoken and written English, providing a wide range of written texts and transcriptions of speech for commentary and analysis. The salient stylistic features are described in linguistic terms where this is relevant to the particular nature of the text or transcript. This second edition adds new material for study, and provides new sections on areas such as "politically correct" usage, language and racism and language and gender.
Young Learners Go! is a complete English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course that gives young learners a solid foundation and a positive first experience in learning English.
Relevant: teaches English through meaningful themes and practical contexts that are relevant to learners' daily lives
Based on the multiple intelligences theory
Spiral progression teaching
User-friendly: ensures navigation between the Pupil's Book and Workbook is effortless
Contemporary English Language Literature
The following reading material is carried out in 2006-2007. In this booklet a few extracts in the original are offered from outstanding books by contemporary English language fiction authors. Each extract is preceded by a short introduction and followed by discussion questions and some vocabulary tasks.Among the authors there are best-selling ones, even "cult fiction" figures from the UK, the USA and Canada.
The collection is for
upper-intermediate level of English.
FCE Use Of English 1 Student's Book The "FCE Use of English 1" is a practice book intended mainly for intermediate and post-intermediate students, but it is also useful for more advanced students for revision and consolidation. The aim of the book is to help students to understand and use English grammar through structurally graded material and full-colour pictures. In addition the book offers preparation for the new FCE Examination or any other similar examinations.
E-Grosswoerterbuch on CD-ROM of Muret Sanders English - German &
German - English, ideal for professionals, teachers and translators, who
look for a particularly large dictionary on CD-ROM, with altogether
approximately 410,000 references and idioms, over 770.000 translations,
free on-line actualization of dictionary contents by Download from the
Internet, recognizing multi-word terms, idioms and altogether far over
one million of bent word forms (nouns, adjectives, verbs etc.).
The largest bilingual dictionary in the world offers comprehensive coverage of many technical fields, including economics, electronics, science, space travel, sports, and more. Essential for professional translators and reference libraries.