This exciting new package provides a systematic course that enables students to become more effective learners and take on greater responsibility for their own learning. The Learner’s Book is divided into two stages. Stage 1 contains activities that focus on styles, needs, organization, and motivation. Stage 2 covers various skills that include: extending vocabulary, dealing with grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Learners and teachers can select the skills and strategies they need and plan their own route through the materials. The course can be used in conjunction with a regular language course or presented as separate learner training sessions. AUDIO ONLY
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is a dictionary published by the Oxford University Press (OUP), and is one of the most successful dictionaries of the English language.
The Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books.
Большой Оксфордский словарь, крупнейший словарь английского языка. Оксфордский словарь включает все слова, бытующие или бытовавшие в английском литературном и разговорном языке с 1150, даётся их детальная этимологическая, семантическая, орфографическая, орфоэпическая и грамматическая характеристика. Показываются изменения значения, правописания, произношения и употребления каждого слова в различные исторические периоды, что подтверждается примерами, чаще всего цитатами. Словарь содержит около 615 тыс. слов и около 2,5 млн. цитат из 20 тыс. произведений более чем 5 тыс. авторов.
Систематически переиздаются сокращённые варианты О.C.: «Shorter Oxford English dictionary» и «Concise Oxford dictionary of current English».
Anthony Burgess: English literature - A Survey For Students It is a great book for students of English literature and for those who want to learn more about the historical background of English writers. I can only recommend this book, even though I hate it at the moment (I have to study it for my finals...) Enjoy the reading! :)
A Student's Grammar of the English Language
A shorter, revised edition of the acclaimed
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
While retaining the structure of that book, it focuses on
students who require depth of treatment and clear presentation with
detailed exemplification.
Draws on the most recent research, including new findings in semantics, pragmatics, and text linguistics as well as grammar.
Discourse features are dealt with throughout, as well as being the theme of one major chapter: "From Sentence to Text".
Differentiates between written and spoken, formal and informal, and British and American English.
Geoffrey Chaucer - The First Great English Poet Geoffrey Chaucer immortalised the medieval pilgrimage and the diversity of fourteenth century English society in his Canterbury Tales . As each pilgrim takes his, or her, turn to tell their tale on the road to Canterbury, Chaucer brings to life the voices of a knight, a miller, a Wife of Bath and many more besides.