Graphic Organizers for Teaching English Language and Literature
Set of 100 graphic organizers collected during some years, usefull for teaching any aspect of English from spelling to critical thinking.
This work is intended to meet, in some measure, the requirements of those who wish to make some study of Middle-English, and who find a difficulty in obtaining such assistance as will enable them to find out the meanings and etymologies of the words most essential to their purpose.
Tandem Plus is a collection of forty communicative pair work activities for elementary and lower-intermediate students of English. Each activity contains photocopiable task sheets for the students plus detailed teaching notes. The activities are principally designed for secondary school students but they can also be used with older students following a general English course. Tandem Plus can be used to complement any structurally or functionally organised coursebook, either as an integrated part of the teaching programme or as revision.
50 natural English tips Elementary to Upper-Intermediate
British English
These tips are brought to you by
natural English, the course where students use English naturally. Each tip has an example of language to help improve your English fluency. There are activities too! Do them in class, at home, or with a friend. natural English is available at 4 levels from Elementary to Upper-Intermediate.
LANGMaster - English in Action Films Stars, Popstars, Famous Writers, Businessmen and Politicians (4 CDs)
The English in Action edition focuses on listening and comprehension skills. It uses live videotape recordings of interviews as seen on the British Satellite TV station SKY NEWS. It is real English with nothing added or taken away. Listening to, and studying these interviews is an ideal preparation for listening to radio broadcasts or watching TV programs in English. Listening to English speakers from all walks of life will improve your comprehension and confidence and help you build conversation skills. In the English in Action titles, you will meet a lot of interesting people and find that learning can be both entertaining and didactic.