Every level of English File builds confidence and keeps motivation high with lively, achievable lessons, using humour and imagination to encourage students to communicate and enjoy learning English.
Every level of English File builds confidence and keeps motivation high with lively, achievable lessons, using humour and imagination to encourage students to communicate and enjoy learning English.
Аудио курс разбит на несколько уроков, в которых чётко описывается как произносить тот или иной звук, а также сочетание звуков присущих американскому английскому языку. Каждый урок прекрасно дополнен практическими занятиями и прекрасно проиллюстрирован примерами. Одной из особенностей курса является большое число так называемых tongue twisters, повторение которых превосходно развивает навык выговаривать правильно слова и звуки.
Aimed at students and professionals with an intermediate level of English, this highly accessible and practical new series is designed to activate effective communication skills in the workplace.
- Essential vocabulary and phrases are presented through short dialogues or texts
- Helpful language notes highlight and reinforce the key language points
- Enjoyable practice exercises consolidate language at the end of each unit
- Recordings of all the dialogues on CD provide useful speaking models Audio added for Technical English, thanks tojoseirdeto!
The Most Used 7037 Words in ENGLISH I think,there is no need to make any more explanation. I hope it will be helpful if you are preparing any kind of English exam.