Disney's World Of English Basic Abcs, books 01-12 Многосерийное учебное издание Disney's World Of English Program Basic Abcs для детей от 4 до 10 лет. Игра, в которой ребенок не может проиграть. Знания, которые приходят сами. Встреча с любимыми героями диснеевских мультиков. Активное участие – 100% восприятие. Сказка, в которой ребенок говорит по-английски играючи.
12 учебников.
Позже будет выложен видео курс, состоящий тоже из 12 уроков.
Sesame English ESL for Children - TOYS_GAMES_SPORTS
Третья часть курса Sesame English - TOYS_GAMES_SPORTS.
Обучающий курс Sesame English - ESL for children, серия фильмов, предназначенная для детей, изучающих английский, как второй язык и помогающая преодолевать языковой барьер.
Sesame Workshop has created Sesame English, a new series designed to help teach English as a Second Language. This series features Tingo, an energetic, newly created Muppet. Tingo, who only recently arrived in this country, introduces conversational English through adventures with his friend Niki, a typical teenage girl. Each program follows a simple storyline that uses humor, physical action and music to appeal to children while introducing basic English expressions, vocabulary and sentence structures.
___English Practice & Progress Workbooks is a series of lively supplementary materials designed for self-study. They provide students of all levels with the opportunity to consolidate and extend their grammatical and lexical skills through a range of fun and motivating activities. Each Practice & Progress Workbook comes wlth a pull-out answer key.
___THIS book is designed to inform you about current problems in English usage so you can make intelligent decisions when communicating. When confronted with a choice about a usage, you may ask yourself a number of questions: Has this usage been criticized for some reason in the past? If so, are these criticisms substantial? What are the linguistic and social issues involved? Have people frequently applied this usage in the past, and for how long? What do well-respected writers think of the usage today? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this book.
___Every level of English File builds confidence and keeps motivation high with lively, achievable lessons, using humour and imagination to encourage students to communicate and enjoy learning English.