TOEFL Exam Success In Only 6 Steps by Elizabeth Chesla Book Description The 4 goals of
TOEFL Exam Success are: 1) to explain the format of each section of the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), in plain English; 2) to offer straightforward and specific test-taking strategies that you can use on the exam; 3) to review the basic reading, writing, listening, and grammar skills you need to score well on each section; and 4) to provide exercises that help you build basic skills and practice the test-taking strategies you learn in each section. In addition to information on and practice for the TOEFL, this book contains a review of basic study skills and learning strategies to help you perform to the best of your ability on the exam-whether you take it on paper or on the computer. In addition to the focused English practice in this book, you will learn the principles of time management and how to prepare—and stick to—a detailed and realistic study plan. These good study habits will serve you well in college and for years to come! (
OLD English File Intermediate - Business Resource Pack
English level: Intermediate Tracy Byrne Description: Photocopiable resource material to help you meet the needs of working or pre-work students.
Key features For class or one-to-one use. Real-world information and issues. Speaking tasks, reading tasks, and vocabulary input. Linked to
English File, but can be used with any course.
First Certificate Games and Activities Как-то давно ничего у нас не появлялось для FCE...
Учебник придётся весьма кстати преподавателям, занимающимся с экзаменационными группами, которые готовятся сдавать экзамен FCE. В этой книге вы найдёте 58 занимательных игр, направленных на развитие всех разделов экзамена: Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening и Speaking.
Progress in English Grammar is a series of three books which practise and consolidate the main grammar structures for beginner, elementary and intermediate students.
Progress in English Grammar is a series of three books which practise and consolidate the main grammar structures for beginner, elementary and intermediate students. Book 1 practises and consolidates the main English grammar structures needed by beginners. The clear instuctions and simple exercice-types make this book easy to use for homework or self-study.