Курс по произношению для студентов уровня intermediate.
In this pronunciation course for intermediate students of English, each unit provides intensive practice in stress and intonation of particular sound contrasts. Designed for students working alone as well as for classroom use it provides an intonation list and language chart to help students work out their particular area of difficulty and plan their programme.
New English File Pre-Intermediate Workbook Рабочая тетрадочка для уровня Pre-Intermediate.
The Workbook is comprehensive in that it gives the student practice in all the grammar structures and vocabulary from the main text. However, unless the class is an intensive one or the students are particularly keen, it’s best to set homework selectively otherwise the amount of marking becomes impracticable or the students start to suffer from homework overload and the focus of their language learning turns to formulating plausible excuses for not doing it.
Nexus (English for Advanced learners) Курс для изучающих язык на уровне Advanced. Состоит из 13 юнитов, в каждом из которых предлагается 2 блока на отработку навыков чтения и по одному на аудирование, речь, письмо,грамматику и вокабуляр.
When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People: How to Avoid Common Errors in English
Ещё одно пособие по "оттачиванию" письменной и устной английской речи научит вас наиболее распространённым ошибкам, которые допускают в разговорах или при письме, чтобы вы могли избегать повторения этих ошибок.
Are you worried that how you speak or write is holding you back at work? Do you fear you're making frequent conversational errors, but just aren't sure what's correct? Ever stumble when choosing between "who" and "whom," "affect" and "effect," "lay" and "lie"? If so, then When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People should be at the top of your reading list. This comprehensive, easy-to-use reference is a program designed to help you identify and correct the most common errors in written and spoken English. After a short and simple review of some basic principles, this book is organized in the most useful way possible-by error type, such as "Problem Pronouns" or "Mixing up Words that Sound the Same." You choose how to work your way through, either sequentially or in the order most relevant to you. Each unit contains tests at the end to help you reinforce what you've learned.