Designed as a self-teaching fluency-building phonics program, "Master Spoken English" provides comprehensive training via speech exercises and drills. Both fluent native speakers of English as well as those with basic English skills can watch this program to increase resonance, clarity, fluency, and expressiveness. The program provides a color-coded phonic system to aid viewers in the exercises. Word lists precede connected speech, with practice scenes (from actual movies) comprising the third and final level of training. BOOKS NEEDED! Better quality video added Thanks to deadly_zone!
L.E.E. is a computer-based educational program designed primarily for English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction. The main goal of L.E.E. is to help you recognize the structural patterns of the English language and develop your writing skills at the sentence level. LEE consists of 22 units that cover a grammatical concept. Within each unit, you may look at an equivalent lesson in one of five topic areas. This is American English.
An ESL Vocabulary Resource Book for Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Level Teaching. With over 500 top quality printable PDF worksheets, this ESL Vocabulary Worksheet E-book is the ultimate timesaver for busy teachers. The exercises best serve teachers of beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate levels.
A Way with Words Resource Pack 2 is a new resource book for teachers containing photocopiable materials for use in the classroom. The activities in the pack come from the original A Way with Words, Books 2 and 3, and in a limited number of exercises new activities and listening material have been added.
Nobody ever said that oil painting was easy. But it gets much easier and a lot more fun when you follow a step-by-step approach that starts you off on the right foot, helps you build your skills one at a time, and gives you plenty of exercises to develop your craft.