Usury is entrenched in the twenty-first century world. Recently, however, public opinion has been shifting back to the strongly hostile view of usury held by humanity for millennia before the rise of capitalism. This book examines the ways in which usury was perceived and portrayed at the very beginning of its rise to power. David Hawkes examines early modern English depictions of usury in a wide variety of literary media: plays, pamphlets, poems, political economy, and parliamentary debates. It suggests that knowledge of such portrayals may help us settle accounts with the vastly expanded form taken by usury in our own time.
Guns for the Tsar: American Technology and the Small Arms Industry in Nineteenth-Century Russia
This is a detailed study of the development of the Russian small arms industry. Humiliated in the Crimean War, Russia turned to the United States for help. Using archival sources, Bradley, author of Muzhik and Muscovite: Urbanization in Late Imperial Russia (Univ. of California Pr., 1985), describes the role of famous gunsmiths like Colt, Smith, and Wesson; they provided Russia with machinery, tools, production techniques, and even workers to build an independent arms industry. Assimilation was only partially successful; an inflexible economy hindered military modernization. A 30-page bibliography and 40 pages of footnotes testify to Bradley's meticulous research and academic style.
Enigma of Globalization - A Journey to a New State of Capitalism
Globalization is theorized in this book as an emerging new stage of capitalism. Robert Went takes us on a journey from the historical roots of globalization through to its relevance in the modern day. The Enigma of Globalization is a timely addition to an important debate and covers such themes as: * International trade * Free trade and international movement of capital * The role of the world economy This accessible and intriguing book is a must, not only for students and academics working in the field, but will also prove an interesting read for all those with a general interest in the modern global political economy.
My Job Went to India and All I Got was This Lousy Book
You've already lost your job. You may still be drawing a paycheck, but the job you were hired to do no longer exists. Your company has changed, the technology has changed, the economy has changed, and the ways you can add value have changed. Have you adapted to these changes? Or are you at risk?
Engineering Economy, 6th edition, provides undergraduate students and practicing professionals with a solid preparation in the financial understanding of engineering problems and projects, as well as the techniques needed for evaluating and making sound economic decisions. Information on cost estimation, depreciation, and taxes has been updated to conform to new tax laws and a majority of the end-of-chapter problems are revised or new to this edition.