Child 44It is a society that is, officially, a paradise. Superior to the decadent West, Stalin's Soviet Union is a haven for its citizens, providing for all of their needs: education, health care, security. In exchange, all that is required is their hard work, and their loyalty and faith to the SovietState.
Reform of Teacher Education in the Asia-Pacific in the New Millennium: Trends and Challenges
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 7 August 2015
In facing the challenges of rapid globalization, IT intensification, international competition and local demands for developments, educators, scholars and leaders in the Asia-Pacific region and other parts of the world are concerned with reforms of teacher education for the future of education in the new millennium.
Mathematics teacher education has a critical role to play in preparing teachers to put at center stage goals to support equity in mathematics education and to diversify student interest and participation in mathematics. These goals must also resonate with broader public interest goals to improve educational and social conditions both in the U.S. and abroad.
Want to solve your biggest problems tomorrow? You have problems, but you don’t have time for a 5-year plan. You’re tired of philosophy, research and piles of data. You want practical solutions that you can implement immediately. You don’t need a committee or another meeting. You need Hackers—experienced educators who understand your school’s problems and see quick fixes that may be so simple that they’ve been overlooked. Hacking Education is the book that every teacher, principal, parent, and education stakeholder has been waiting for--the one that actually solves problems.
This edited volume provides an overview of the latest advancements in adaptive training technology. Intelligent tutoring has been deployed for well-defined and relatively static educational domains such as algebra and geometry. However, this adaptive approach to computer-based training has yet to come into wider usage for domains that are less well defined or where student-system interactions are less structured, such as during scenario-based simulation and immersive serious games.