Word of Mouth: Workplace Idioms for the Non-Native Speaker
A number of years ago when I began to work at several corporations teaching ‘accent reduction’ to non-native speakers of American English, I was often asked to define informal, everyday expressions. These employees were eager to know the meaning of idioms and slang that they had heard their colleagues use in the workplace.
501+ Great Interview Questions For Employers and the Best Answers for Prospective Employees
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 4 May 2015
For anyone who hires employees this is a must have book. It is also essential for anyone searching for a new job. This new book contains a wide variety of carefully worded questions that will help make the employee search easier. These questions can help you determine a candidates personality type, the type of work he or she is best suited for, and if the person will mesh with your existing employees and workplace
Today there is widespread awareness of the fact that time has been under-investigated in organizational studies. This book addresses the need to bridge the gap between the predominantly "timeless" theories and models that scholars have produced and the daily experiences of employees and managers, in which time is salient and extremely important.
Living the Brand: How to Transform Every Member of Your Organization Into a Brand Champion, 3rd edition
A company's workforce is its most valuable asset. It is the employees who translate an organization's strategy into reality, interact with consumers, and determine the corporate brand. This updated edition of Living the Brand demonstrates how a participatory approach can enhance employee commitment, improve service standards, and focus effort to deliver business goals. This practical and inspirational book is about how organizations can empower their employees and create "brand champions.
Language: English Pages: 172 Behind the closed doors of corporate management lurks a manifesto so devious, so insidious, and of such diabolic power, it has the ability to transform normal human beings into paradigm–spewing zombies. Its purpose: to help bosses stick it to their employees. Its author: none other than Dogbert, the canine corporate consultant out to rule the world.