Twenty-five activities to settle children into a class or bring the lesson to an end. Starting and Ending Lessons focuses on children's need for constant language revision. It provides easy, adaptable activities that use movement and games to maintain variety in the classroom.
When the rains come and the river bursts its banks, Frog, Duck, Pig, and Hare are stranded. But Frog risks his life to save his friends, bringing a happy ending to the tale.
Based on national standards, No Child Left Behind legislation, and founded on the latest research, every teacher will be provided with instructional explanations and stimulating activities to facilitate and encourage life-long readers.
Students develop phonics skills by concentrating on beginning and ending sounds, blends, and vowel combinations. Reproducible.
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 10 November 2011
The Astronaut's Wife
This book was fabulous ... until the end. I still gave it four stars because so much of it was so good. A lot time was spent weaving together a sweet, funny, touching life story, then the end was so disappointing. It was like the author just got burnt out and decided to end it without any thought about whether or not the ending made sense. It is still worth reading (if you have the time), but don't buy the book. Borrow it, and enjoy the good parts while they last because the end will baffle you.