Our planet's resources are finite, and the engineer's work must take this fact into account. Buro Happold, the international firm of consulting engineers, has for more than 30 years shown a consistently high level of inventive and creative thought about the nature of structure and environmental control and how to use structure, systems and materials to maximum effect with minimum environmental impact. The practice has earned a reputation for expertise and excellence in this field.
Applications of Monte Carlo Method in Science and Engineering
In this book, Applications of Monte Carlo Method in Science and Engineering, we further expose the broad range of applications of Monte Carlo simulation in the fields of Quantum Physics, Statistical Physics, Reliability, Medical Physics, Polycrystalline Materials, Ising Model, Chemistry, Agriculture, Food Processing, X-ray Imaging, Electron Dynamics in Doped Semiconductors, Metallurgy, Remote Sensing and much more diverse topics. The book chapters included in this volume clearly reflect the current scientific importance of Monte Carlo techniques in various fields of research.
Financial Engineering Principles: A Unified Theory for Financial Product Analysis and Valuation (Wiley Finance)
"Quite simply, he’s done it again. Building upon his previous writings from the fixed income markets, Beaumont has successfully applied his practical hands-on style to bring us a fresh cross-market perspective of bonds, equities, and currencies. Financial Engineering Principles now occupies that portion of my bookshelf reserved for texts with long shelf-life and little dust." –Steve Oristaglio Senior Managing Director, Co-head of Investments, Putnam "This book provides a sophisticated understanding of finance, using commonsense explanations that do not depend on obscure jargon or advanced-level mathematics." –Martin Fridson Publisher, Leverage World
This book is designed for a one semester course in discrete mathematics for sophomore or junior level students. The text covers the mathematical concepts that students will encounter in many disciplines such as computer science, engineering, Business, and the sciences.
This practical book is part of the new " Methods in Bioengineering" series - volumes designed to offer detailed guidance on authoritative methods for addressing specific bioengineering challenges. Written and edited by recognized experts in the field, each book provides research engineers, scientists, and students with step-by-step procedures, clear examples, and effective ways to overcome problems that may be encountered. Tissue engineering is an emerging field that involves the combination of materials, cells, and other signals or growth factors to generate new tissue that can be used to repair or replace damaged tissues due to injury or disease.