Magazine printed in Germany by Spotlight Verlag for those interested in learning English (mainly business and simple economics). Some of the entries are in German (words/idioms translations), but don't worry, everybody can use it.
"Encyclopedia of American Literature, Revised Edition" is an extensive reference work that spans the entire scope of American literature, from the colonial period to the present. Now in four chronological volumes and arranged alphabetically within each volume, this comprehensive encyclopedia includes entries reflecting writers, works, literary movements, and more that high school students and undergraduates are likely to encounter.This major update boasts one new volume, approximately 1,000 new entries, and 300 new black-and-white illustrations.
Encyclopedia of The Peoples of Africa and the Middle East
"Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Africa and the Middle East" is a new two-volume A-to-Z reference to the history and culture of the peoples of Africa and the Middle East. This fascinating resource includes about 1,400 entries on the major peoples that have maintained a cultural identity in the area - from ancient to modern times - summarizing their history, migration, culture, belief system, social organization, and relationship to other peoples
Historical Dictionary of the Hittites covers Hittite civilization from its origins through hundreds of entries on important persons, places, essential institutions, and the significant aspects of the society, Kingship, government, economy, material culture, and warfare of this ancient people. A 16-page photospread, introductory essay, chronology, and bibliography complement the dictionary entries. Scholars, students, and general readers who are interested in ancient history will find this a valuable reference work about the Hittites
An A-Z of cricket as it is played around the world, this book not only defines the terms of the game but illustrates them with lively quotations and provides a wealth of additional information. Fully up to date, it includes entries on sledging, ball-tampering, and the third umpire.