An essential encyclopedic reference, "Encyclopedia of African-American Literature" guides readers through the rich history of African-American writing. More than 500 engaging entries cover the people, works, and events that have come to define African-American literature. This invaluable resource includes such authors as James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Langston Hughes, Gayl Jones, Ralph Ellison, and Gloria Naylor, and major works such as "A Raisin in the Sun", "Native Son, "The Color Purple", and "Invisible Man".
The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature
Norton Anthology of African American Literature. More to the point, it shows how much black literature, once relegated to the margins, has become mainstream. Here are brief biographies of more than 400 black writers, entries on some 150 works, and a host of entries on characters from novels, stories, and plays. In addition, there are entries on topics such as Afrocentricity (as well as on topics of more general interest, such as the novel), that make this essential for anyone who cares about black literature.
Grade 9 Up–Ancient Celtic peoples have made lasting contributions to current literature and culture in many parts of the world. Monaghan's 12-page introduction summarizes their possible origins, religious beliefs, languages, society, mythology, and relations with other cultures while the approximately 1000 alphabetically arranged entries describe gods, goddesses, heroes, folkloric elements, sacred sites, objects, and place names. Listings are by the most commonly accepted spelling of each item. Variant spellings often follow.
Spanning the vast history of science, "Chronology of Science" contains approximately 2,000 cross-referenced entries that chronicle scientific progress. Helpful identifiers categorize the entries into core areas (biology, chemistry, physics, marine science, space and astronomy, Earth science, and weather and climate).
The edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings-many in color-from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn.