Europe's Promise: Why the European Way Is the Best Hope in an Insecure Age
A quiet revolution has been occurring in post-World War II Europe. A world power has emerged across the Atlantic that is recrafting the rules for how a modern society should provide economic security, environmental sustainability, and global stability. In Europe's Promise, Steven Hill explains Europe's bold new vision.
In 1999, a deadly strain of West Nile virus struck parts of the northeastern United States. Caused by a virus from the family Flaviridae, genus Flavivirus, the disease was common in Africa and the Middle East. Today, it can be found across North America, Europe, and Asia. West Nile can cause serious illness, and in severe cases, lead to encephalitis, a swelling of the brain, which can be fatal.
This book for children (roughly 9 to 12 years old) tells the story simply and clearly. Full of interesting facts and colourful illustrations, it gives a lively overview of Europe and explains briefly what the European Union is and how it works.
Medical History and Physical Examination in Companion Animals
The medical history and physical examination are the most important cornerstones of clinical diagnosis. This is the only veterinary book devoted to a description of methods applicable to companion animals. The methods described are used in the veterinary schools of...
Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines: Volume 2: Europe and the Americas
Drawn from a variety of sources ranging from classical literature to early ethnographies to contemporary interpretations, the Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines provides a comprehensive introduction to the ways goddess figures have been viewed through the ages. This unique encyclopedia of over thousands of figures of feminine divinity describes the myths and attributes of goddesses and female spiritual powers from around the world.