The music book of the year. (Library Journal ) Excellent before, the Harvard Dictionary is better now, and remains the ideal piano-top reference for every musician, whether dilettante, serious amateur or working professional... informative and reliable holds its place at the top of its one-volume class. (The New York Times )
Easily the best one-volume reference source of its kind. (Los Angeles Times )
Lessons in the Science student's book are organized in four units: Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Space and Technology. Each unit contains a balance between important science content and hands-on activities (through scaffolded inquiry) that support every lesson. You'll also find biographies, careers, and a NASA Connection in all units.
Are you maximizing every opportunity to connect with participants before, during and after training? This is the key to optimizing the learning experience of every individual – and the focus of these 125 tested and proven-effective activities for trainers.
The activities are formatted for easy use with clearly marked objectives, best occasion to use them, group size, estimated time equipment and supplies needed and materials. Many of the activities have ready-to-use handouts.
Lessons in the Scott Foresman Science Grade 3 student's book are organized in four units: Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Space and Technology. Each unit contains a balance between important science content and hands-on activities (through scaffolded inquiry) that support every lesson. You'll also find biographies, careers, and a NASA Connection in all units.
In this revised edition of a universally acclaimed guide, Rosenthal’s intellectual impetus remains the same: "For me, working in documentary implies a commitment that one wants to change the world for the better. That says it all."
Four years of preperation in one book. Every student, professional filmmaker, enthusiast should have it.