It’s a BIG world out there and today’s young learners have BIG goals. BIG ENGLISH engages students with fun topics and activities that motivate them to learn English. BIG ENGLISH aims to make sure that every student has the tools they need to succeed.Theme-based video clips with CLIL segments (documentaries) and dramatic segments.
Famous killers have fan clubs. Hamish Wolfe is no different. Locked up for the rest of his life for the abduction and murder of three young women, he gets countless adoring letters every day. He's handsome, charismatic and very persuasive. His admirers are convinced he's innocent and that he's the man of their dreams. Who would join such a club?
Silas Marner leads a simple life as a weaver in the village of Raveloe. All he does is work, he has no friends and the only thing he loves is his money, which he counts every day. Then one day his money is stolen and a little girl comes to live with him. Soon Silas Marner starts to change