Warriner’s goal in preparing his handbooks was to create "a completely flexible teaching tool adaptable to ... any individual classroom." He did not design his books to be teaching texts in which the class moves sequentially from chapter to chapter, every student doing all the exercises along the way. In fact, he asserted just the opposite: "[A] book of this kind is not intended for methodical coverage from cover to cover. The book contains more material than any one class can handle in a single year. Teachers will teach those chapters that a particular class needs and will assign exercises in proportion to the need."
Presenting practical vocabulary and grammar in the context of real-life situations, the Berlitz Method® focuses all speaking and learning on the target language. Instructors use a communicative approach based on listening and speaking, supplementing study with relevant reading and writing exercises, so students take on a new language the same way they did their first — with natural ease.
New extended edition of "New Sparks" coursebook. Aimed for the children aged 5-6 attending kindergarten or starting their primary school. Level: zero. Instructions to exercises are bilingual English and Polish.
A complete guide to English Grammar, which covers every part of speech, and is presented with people who are planning to take the iBT TOEFL exam in mind. Over 50 key grammar points which feature: clear, detailed explanations, over 115 exercises, and thousands of questions.
The Pop-Up Book: Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Over 100 Original Paper Projects
Pop-ups are three-dimensional cut-and-folded paper constructions that are widely used for children's books and greeting cards. They have a magical appeal as they mysteriously fold and unfold. Expanding on pop-up material covered in his earlier The Encyclopedia of Origami & Papercraft (LJ 3/1/92), Jackson offers an instructional guide leading the craftsperson through an introductory section of basics to sections covering techniques and original design.