A guide for junior high teachers using Upbeat 3 coursebook. Contains a minimized version of student's book, audio scripts, quick tests, key to exercises, and mini English-Polish dictionary. Student's CD-ROM comprises additional interactive exercises displayed with Flash Player. Student's Book is ripped out of the Teacher's Book. Level A2+.
How to Write Clearly - Rules and Exercises on English Composition
Writing clearly does not imply thinking clearly. A man may think and reason as obscurely as Dogberry himself, but he may (though it is not probable that he will) be able to write clearly for all that. Writing clearly—so far as arrangement of words is concerned—is a mere matter of adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and auxiliary verbs, placed and repeated according to definite rules.
This textbook teaches some of the basic econometric methods and the underlying assumptions behind them. It also includes a simple and concise treatment of more advanced topics in spatial correlation, panel data, limited dependent variables, regression diagnostics, specification testing and time series analysis. Each chapter has a set of theoretical exercises as well as an empirical illustration using a real economic application. These empirical exercises usually replicate a published article using Stata or Eviews.
Warriner’s goal in preparing this handbook was to create “a completely flexible teaching tool adaptable to ... any individual classroom.” He did not design his books to be teaching texts in which the class moves sequentially from chapter to chapter, every student doing all the exercises along the way. In fact, he asserted just the opposite: "The book contains more material than any one class can handle in a single year. Teachers will teach those chapters that a particular class needs and will assign exercises in proportion to the need."
Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos: With Applications To Physics, Biology, Chemistry, And Engineering
An introductory text in nonlinear dynamics and chaos, emphasizing applications in several areas of science, which include vibrations, biological rhythms, insect outbreaks, and genetic control systems. Contains a rich selection of illustrations, with many exercises and examples.