This manual introduces easy-to-use “openings” and “closings” that can increase the cohesiveness of your group, create a relaxed atmosphere and enhance the learning experience—whether you are new to this type of exercise or not. The book contains 70 icebreakers, energizers and other exercises the authors have tested on the training front lines—including 40 “beginnings” and 30 “endings.”
English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises is for intermediate and advanced students who want extra practice in grammar, without help from a teacher.
This workbook contains exercises that will help teach English medical vocabulary. The format is clear and easy to use, comes complete with full instructions and combines both self-study and classroom exercises.
Added by: jonyM | Karma: 66.17 | Black Hole | 21 October 2009
With an introduction historical and critical; the whole methodically arranged and amply illustrated; with forms of correcting and of parsing, improprieties for correction, examples for parsing, questions for examination, exercises for writing
Complete English Grammar Test or in full Most complete English Grammar test in the world. I bumped on this book of Grammar exercises while searching something on the Net. Consists of 2919 various exercises, answers included. Grammar Bank EAP Levels 1-6 The Following are 2919 Grammar Questions/Answers for 162 Grammar Categories. Includes: Assessment Test, Remedial Questions, Answers