Practical Composition: Exercises for the English Classroom from Working Instructors
For English instructors at every level, the task of producing a worthwhile, workable plan for each class period can prove challenging. This invaluable work offers a vast compilation of writing exercises and in-class activities collected from professors, graduate students and lecturers from colleges and universities across the United States. Step-by-step instructions guide teachers through class discussions and exercises on topics ranging from invention, argumentation, formatting, thesis development and organization to rhetorical situation, visual rhetoric, peer review and revision.
A guide for teens and young adults on the power of creative journaling and its role in enhancing self-discovery and self-awareness. Provides encouragement for creative writing, self-expression, and self-dialogue. Includes journaling exercises to inspire creativity and cultivate self-esteem.
A Note on Charles Dickens. A Recipe for Creamy Porridge. London in Dickens’ Time. Reading a Painting. Children and Education in the 1800s. Charles Dickens’ timeless classic published in 1837 narrates the incredible adventures and hardships of Oliver Twist, the poor orphan no one loves. He meets all kinds of strange people as he goes from one frightening adventure to another. PET-style exercises. Trinity-style exercises (Grades 4, 5). Wide range of fun activities in the four skills. Full recording of the text. Informative dossier sections on Victorian England. Reading a painting. Project work on the Web. Exit test