Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experience in Medieval and Modern Times
Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in "near-death" experiences. Dozens of books, articles, television shows, and films have appeared in which people who have survived a close brush with death reveal their extraordinary visions and ecstatic feelings at the moment they "died." This book is the most comprehensive treatment to date of the evidence surrounding these experiences.
Added by: oliques | Karma: 242.09 | Black Hole | 17 September 2010
Pregnancy - June 2010
Pregnancy magazine is aimed at pregnant women. It gives out information about pregnancy, products for pregnantwomen and it shares other women's stories of childbirth experiences.
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* Expert advice on the best jungle cruises, trekking, mountain biking, and surfing. * Tips on exploring Lima, the Central Coast & Highlands, Cusco, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Lake Titicaca, Arequipa, Colca Canyon and Amazonia. * Unforgettable experiences like flying over the Nasca Lines, hiking the Inca Trail and gazing at Macchu Picchu * "Best of" features cover the most intriguing ruins, best museums, best nature experiences, small towns and villages, architecture, festivals and celebrations, local dining and more.
Teaching Phonemic Awareness through Children's Literature and Experiences
Teaching phonemic awareness can be boring and repetitive in the hands of a teacher who wishes to just use a workbook approach. This delightful book packs loads of fun into 75 lesson plans, providing educators with myriad creative strategies for integrating word study with children's picture books. Each lesson includes a read-aloud book description, literacy experience activity, direct instruction, follow-up activities, recommended poem, and related reading. Grades K-2
Intimate Behavior: A Zoologist's Classic Study of Human Intimacy
Morris contends that the months just before and after birth are when the seeds of intimacy are planted and are critical to development. From the loving attention of the mother, the child learns and responds with intimate gestures of his or her own. He argues that human adults follow certain patterns of intimate behaviour that are based on these infant experiences for their entire lives.