The Hutchinson Dictionary of Abbreviations
Испытываете трудности с сокращениями - эта книга для Вас. Хатчинсон не только расшифровывает аббревиатуры, но и объясняет их.
Here at last is a dictionary that not only gives the expanded form of abbreviations, but also explains them. Concentrating on currently used terms, there are clear explanations of abbreviations from fields such as computing, current affairs, medicine, education, warfare, and even newspaper advertisements.
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Tags: Hutchinson, Abbreviations, abbreviations, Dictionary, explanations |
TOEFL Explorer
TOEFL© Explorer is a interactive learning program which aims to give you the practice and the theory to succeed in a TOEFL© test. TOEFL© Explorer provides a learning environment for TOEFL© with explanations for each question and tutorials on the key points you need to know for TOEFL©. |
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