International Express Elementary 2007 (Teacher's Resource Book)
International Express combines general English with business situations. It gives students the social and functional English they need to work, travel, and socialize. It is for adult professional learners.
Key features
Mature lifestyle topics and authentic international contexts reflect the real needs and interests of working adults.
'Focus on Functions' for socializing, telephoning, and participating in discussions, enabling learners to communicate confidently in work-related situations.
BBC RADIO 4 The Aeneid by Virgil, adapted in two parts by Tom Holland A BBC Radio 4 dramatization of Virgil's classic account of the legendary origins of the Roman Empire. Aeneas, Prince of Troy, defeated by the Greeks, leads his remaining citizens to a new land and a new destiny foretold by the gods.
The Internet has definitely changed the way people look lor jobs and send their resumes. In the past, job seekers waited for the Sunday edition of their local newspapers, scoured the classified ads, and then sent off handsome print copies of their resumes. Today, many job seekers begin with a computer search of Internet job listings. Then they fire off "plain Jane" resurnes by e-mail, or they submit print copies that they expect will be scanned by a computer rather than a person. REUPLOAD NEEDED
IELTS Express is a two-level preparation course for candidates studying for the International English Language Testing System examination (IELTS). The intermediate level is aimed at an IELTS score of 4 - 5.5. IELTS-type tasks and practice activities provide students with the essential skills they need for exam success. Each IELTS Express Coursebook is an ideal choice for short preparation courses of 30-40 hours, and can easily be extended for longer courses by selecting from supplementary materials.
"Without the Option" by P.G.Wodehouse (BBC radioshow) This radioshow is adaptation of "Without the Option" story from novel "Carry on, Jeeves", adapted by BBC7
P.S. Additionaly I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our member poLUnoCHniK for his help in creating this post.