The Reading Remedy: Six Essential Skills That Will Turn Your Child Into a Reader
A comprehensive reading guide that goes beyond the standard phonics method. According to the author, a remarkable 40% of children have difficulty learning to read. The main problem, says Blank, is that most methods only cover one or two of the six essential reading skills, which make up her Phonics Plus Five system—rest assured, however, this is no flash-in-the-pan quick fix, Blank has over 40 years of experience in child psychology.
Skin Deep magazine offers the reader a cornucopia of colourful tattoos from around the world. The magazine includes tattoos of all styles, be it a small piece of flash work to full body suits that are both inspirational and informative.
Skin Deep magazine offers the reader a cornucopia of colourful tattoos from around the world. The magazine includes tattoos of all styles, be it a small piece of flash work to full body suits that are both inspirational and informative.