The Facts on File Dictionary of Cliches 3rd edition
Added by: aabig | Karma: 140.81 | Black Hole | 20 May 2012
The Facts On File Dictionary of Cliches, Third Edition is the largest, most comprehensive, and most entertaining reference of its kind. Featuring hundreds of new cliches, this updated and expanded edition explains the meanings and origins of more than 4,000 cliches and common expressions. Each entry includes the meaning of the cliche or expression, its origin and early uses, its historical development, and its present-day usage. This fully indexed and cross-referenced resource is essential for students, writers, and anyone seeking the gift of gab.
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Nat Geo Wild Animal Atlas: Earth's Astonishing Animals and Where They Live (National Geographic Kids)
Captivating critters, eye-grabbing pictures, weird and freaky facts—what better way for kids to learn geography! In this child-friendly atlas, stunning animal photos combine with colorful, easily accessible maps to teach young readers about geography through the wild creatures that fascinate them. Each world region includes a "spotlight" on animals in the area. Thematic spreads deliver the facts about habitats, endangered species, and more. Careful research and all-around kid appeal make this a must-have children’s atlas for home and school.
Stuart Brock and Edwin Mares offer a clear introduction to different realist and anti-realist positions and arguments in five key domains - science, ethics, mathematics, modality, and fictional objects. Realism and Anti-Realism focuses on the core concept of realism, taking the perspective that, for each domain considered, there are facts or entities distinctive to that domain whose existence and nature is in some important sense objective and mind-independent.
First Facts: BugsFirst Facts Bugs introduces children to the world of reading, with lively ilustrations and simple text to help build confidence and development. Bursting with fun bug facts and figures, children will love flicking through and learning as they go. Questions such as "how many legs does a millipede have?" and "what do beatles eat?" are answered.
Dedicated to providing integral information about woodworking tools and techniques that other manuals overlook, the books in this series contain safety facts, explanations about basic project setup, and tips for maximizing tool performance. Filled with clear diagrams and instructions, these pocket-sized, durable manuals are ideal for quick reference in the workshop.
Dedicated to providing integral information about woodworking tools and techniques that other manuals overlook, the books in this series contain safety facts, explanations about basic project setup, and tips for maximizing tool performance.