Focusing on the deep distress of man who has just lost the love of his life, this is a heart-rending tale. With a flashback he remembers everything from the first meeting to the farewell. The reader flows with the narrative. Engrossing!
Ray Bradbury, now in his mid-80s, explains in his postscript that the original Dandelion Wine manuscript included much of the material in Farewell Summer. His publisher at the time thought the book too long, and advised Bradbury to shelve the latter half. He certainly took the advice to heart. Fifty years later, here comes this satisfying denouement, one that speaks to themes of youth, aging, memory, and regrets.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 26 December 2010
Farewell my lovely
In general, FAREWELL, MY LOVELY once more finds street-smart and super-savvy California P.I. Philip Marlowe sticking his nose where it has no business being--and when curiosity leads him to follow a massively built white man into a black nightclub he finds himself embroiled in a murder no one cares about solving... at least not until it begins to figure in what seems to be a completely different case with a high-society spin. And encounters with stolen jewels, a spiritualist racket, police corruption, and a gambling ship quickly follow.
Why are some parts of the world so rich and others so poor? Why did the Industrial Revolution--and the unprecedented economic growth that came with it--occur in eighteenth-century England, and not at some other time, or in some other place? Why didn't industrialization make the whole world rich--and why did it make large parts of the world even poorer?
The original CliffsNotes study guides offer a look into key elements and ideas within classic works of literature. The latest generation of titles in this series also features glossaries and visual elements that complement the familiar format.
CliffsNotes on Farewell to Arms explores a potent and memorable love story set against the historical and geographical background of World War I.
Following the growth of a rakish, indifferent soldier into a mature man capable of real love for the worldly-wise nurse who falls for him, this study guide provides summaries and critical commentaries for each chapter within the intense and descriptive novel.