The New Yorker offers a signature mix of reporting and commentary on politics, international affairs, and the arts, along with fiction, poetry, humor, and cartoons.
Structural Readers Stage 4. Simplified and abridged by Lewis Jones. Illustrated by Charles Keeping.
For all lovers of science fiction, here are seven stories by some of the best science fiction writers in the world.
A time machine that travels back 110 million years causes a few problems. The greatest machine in the world begins to think like a man. A three-eyed caretaker offers flats at a very cheap price. The “Wondercopy” of a man does not solve marriage problems fter all… These stories – and their fellows – are as unusual as they sound, and will certainly make you wonder what the future holds!
The contributors to this volume negotiate the notion of a ‘classic’ in film and fiction, exploring the growing interface and the blurring of boundaries between literature and film. Taking the problematic term 'classic' as its focus, the contributors consider both canonical literary and film texts, questioning whether classic status in one domain transfers it to another.Classics in Film and Fiction looks at a wide range of texts and their adaptations. Authors discussed are Shakespeare, Charlotte Brontë, Henry James, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Virginia Woolf, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Arthur Miller, Truman Capote and Lewis Carroll.
(Re)Imagining the world: Children’s Literature’s Response to Changing Times considers how writers of fiction for children imagine ‘the world’, not one universal world, but different worlds: imaginary, strange, familiar, even monstrous worlds. The chapters in this collection discuss how fiction for children engages with some of the changes brought about by new technologies, information literacy, consumerism, migration, politics, different family structures, cosmopolitanism, new and old monsters.
Edgar Allan Poe is credited with having pioneered the short story, having perfected the tale of psychological horror, and having revolutionized modern poetics.The entirety of Poe's body of imaginative work encompasses detective tales, satires, fables, fantasies, science fiction, verse dramas, and some of the most evocative poetry in the English language.