John Perkins started and stopped writing Confessions of an Economic Hit Man four times over 20 years. He says he was threatened and bribed in an effort to kill the project, but after 9/11 he finally decided to go through with this expose of his former professional life. Perkins, a former chief economist at Boston strategic-consulting firm Chas. T. Main, says he was an "economic hit man" for 10 years, helping U.S. intelligence agencies and multinationals cajole and blackmail foreign leaders into serving U.S. foreign policy and awarding lucrative contracts to American business.
A comprehensive guide to the world's largest financial market Foreign exchange is the world's largest financial market and continues to grow at a rapid pace. As economies intertwine and currencies fluctuate there is hardly a corporate entity that doesn't need to use options on foreign exchange to hedge risk or increase returns. Moreover, currency options, both vanilla and exotic, are part of standard toolkit of professional portfolio managers and hedge funds.
Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, these bilingual visual dictionaries give students and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way.
German English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Visual Dictionaries)
Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, these bilingual visual dictionaries give students and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way.
Portuguese English Visual Bilingual Dictionary (DK Bilingual Dictionaries)
Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, these bilingual visual dictionaries give students and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way.