Gothic art finds its roots in the powerful architecture of the cathedrals of northern France. It is a medieval art movement that developed all across Europe for more than 200 years. Leaving Roman roundish forms behind, the architects started using flying buttress and pointed arches to open cathedrals to the daylight.
A Polish audio course for the learners of business English at elementary and pre-intermediate levels. Volume 2 covers such issues as: looking for a job, carrying out interviews, international forms of advertising (export, import, production), and business communication.
Literacy and Popular Culture: Using Children's Culture in the Classroom
Most children engage with a range of popular cultural forms outside of school. Their experiences with film, television, computer games and other cultural texts are very motivating, but often find no place within the official curriculum, where children are usually restricted to conventional forms of literacy
Ready to move to the USA? Here's the insider's guide you need! U.S. Immigration Made Easy covers every possible way to legally enter and live in the United States. Step-by-step instructions show how to fill out and file forms and how to approach the enormous U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) bureaucracy. Thoroughly updated and revised, the 13th edition has been updated and revised to cover the latest changes in immigration law, including new laws about fiance visas, less burdensome financial requirements for sponsors and tougher standards of evidence for asylum. It also shows you where to find the forms you need on the Internet.