The Making of Language presents an alternative to the prevalent view of language as the product of human genetics. It argues instead that language originated in the cooperative activity of early humans: "We made language, as we made pots and pans." Author Mike Beaken shows how early forms of communication developed in step with technology, culture, and social organization. Thoroughly revised, this second edition also considers the significance of music in relation to other forms of communication.
Enjoying English is a series of four literature-based English course books. It features high-interest passages from contemporary novels, a wide selection of poetry and a rich variety of ressource material for drama. te teme of each unit is development from te literature, wit te emphasis being on reading for meaning and appreciating a wide range of written forms. Special attention is given to te development of students' own writing skills and to practical language studies.
Middle English is not a uniform language. Texts from the 11th and 12th centuries still have many forms proper to the IOE standard language, mixed with spellings reflecting changes with had occurred in the meantime. Later, individual scribes tried to represent their own dialects, using as a basis the sound-values of the letters in French or Latin orthography; but fairly well established local spelling systems did not develop until the second half of the 14th century, and these too largely disappeared after 1450 in favour of London forms, although even in the London standard language a number of alternative forms were still being used at the close of the 15th century.
Updated throughout and with much new material, A History of American Literature, Second Edition, is the most up-to-date and comprehensive survey available of the myriad forms of American Literature from pre-Columbian times to the present.
Life comes in all shapes and forms, and living entities dwell in all types of habitats. There are seven characteristics that all life forms share-the ability to move, to sense, to respire, to consume nutrition, to grow, to reproduce, and to excrete waste matter. Complete with annotated illustrations that clarify complex structures and life processes, this volume surveys the parts, characteristics, and classifications of various living things and explores the evolution of life in general.