New insights and findings can be found in this books.
This is a collection of essays written by experienced scholars and it is for students who want to explore the fileld in a new way with active learning and this books is designed to help the reader's research critical thinking skills.
The Most Frequent English Words, Phrases & Expressions is a list of 5325 words arranged alphabetically so that they can be easily found and marked in any dictionary.This list is compiled by M.Saddam Hossain after comparing and consulting the BNC, the Brown Corpus, the GSL, the UWL, the AWL and almost every Learners' Dictionary of the market and hundreds of sites in the Internet.
Tested among students and found to cover almost 94% of all spoken and written texts.
Take the challenge to test its validity and give the feedback.
Exclusively for EnglishTips.Org
Updated version with more words added Thanks to msaddam
You always remember the first time. Isn't that what they say about sex? How much more true it is of murder... Up till now, the only serial killers Tony Hill had encountered were safely behind bars. This one's different -- this one's on the loose. In the northern town of Bradfield four men have been found mutilated and tortured. Fear grips the city; no man feels safe.
Freelance journalist Lindsay Gordon is strapped for cash - otherwise she would never have agreed to cover a fundraising gala at Derbyshire House Girls' School. But when the star attraction is found garrotted with her own cello string, Lindsay finds herself investigating a vicious murder. Who had the key to the locked room in which the body was found? And who could have slipped out of the half at just the right time to commit this calculated and cold-blooding crime?
Twenty years ago, a mysterious group called the Butteri committed a series of bizarre crimes evoking the lost race of the Etruscans, and leaving in their wake a several bodies, a cryptic message, and a kidnapped child. Now, the leaders of the G8 are descending on Rome for a summit at the Quirinale Palace. But when a politician is found ritually murdered, seemingly by a strange young man dressed as the Etruscan blue demon, detective Nic Costa suspects that the old case was never really solved.