When Jennifer returns to the resort village where she grew up, she finds a series of letters in which a relative reveals a huge secret she has concealed for decades: that her great love is not the man she married. Jennifer herself thinks she could never love again, but before she knows it, is caught up in the greatest flight of exhilaration she's ever known. Then, just as suddenly, she learns that this new love comes with an unbearable cost...
When Elizabeth Bentley slunk into an FBI field office in 1945, she was thinking only of saving herself from NKGB assassins who were hot on her trail. She had no idea that she was about to start the greatest Red Scare in U.S. history.
The Unfolding of Language - An Evolutionary Tour of Mankind's Greatest Invention
Using language himself in a lively and engaging way, Deutscher, an expert in Semitic languages at the University of Leiden in Holland, identifies two principles—the desire to create order out of chaotic reality, and the urge to vary the sounds of words and their meanings—providing the direction by which language developed and continues to develop. Rather than search for the prehistoric moment when speech originated, Deutscher says we can most profitably understand the phenomenon by taking the present as the key to the past.
The tomb of China’s First Emperor, guarded by an underground army of terra-cotta warriors, has remained sealed for more than 2,000 years. Though it’s regarded as one of the greatest archaeological sites in the world, the Chinese government won’t allow anyone to open it. Why?
Harvey's uniquely powerful approach is on full display, offering a history of possibly the most important city and era in the development of modern life. Heavily illustrated with photographs, paintings and including cartoons from Daumier, one of the greatest political caricaturists of the nineteenth century.