Genevieve is a converted French fishing boat, manned by British officers and a small crew of free French ex-fishermen, armed only with a flame-thrower and few arms. They carry out their daring attack on the German boats off the Brittany coast. Every man involved in the raid is an unlikely hero in his own way.
Here is a wonderful book that both inspires and educates. A huge volume covering the Gothic movement in art from the 12th century to the Renaissance, it focuses largely on the development of Gothic architecture, resplendent in well-placed illustrations and photographs that evoke the grandeur of the period. Smaller sections follow on sculpture, painting, stained glass, and gold work. The text is clear and organized, with each chapter authored by German writers and art experts; the translation from German may account for some small editorial errors.
The Young Hegel - Studies in the Relations between Dialectics and Economics
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) was a German philosopher, one of the creators of German Idealism. His historicist and idealist account of reality as a whole revolutionized European philosophy and was an important precursor to Continental philosophy and Marxism.
An ambitious, original work, The Politics of Sociability is Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann's exploration of the social and political significance of Freemasonry in German history. Drawing on de Tocqueville's theory that without civic virtue there is no civil society, and that civic virtue unfolds only through the social interaction between citizens, Hoffmann examines the critical link between Freemasonry and the evolution of German civil society in the late nineteenth century. The practice of Masonic sociability reflected an enlightened belief in the political significance of moral virtue for civil society
To know a German Shepherd Dog is to love a German Shepherd Dog—those upright ears, piercing eyes that can see into your soul, that shiny black saddle sitting above sturdy, yet graceful, legs. It's no wonder the German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds on the planet.