Getting the Message is a new three level supplementary course designed to stimulate and extend students' skills and interest in reading. It is aimed at students from 11 or 12 to 16 years old, from elementary to intermediate level. There are ten topic-based units in each level. The topics have been carefully chosen for the appropriate age group and a wide variety of text types is covered. The texts are specially written or adapted to allow careful grading of language and content appropriate to the level.
Filled with 202 proven money-making opportunities, each book in this popular series outlines a multitude of ways you can supplement your income. The current trend of active retirement is growing. This book shows you what you can do in retirement to make extra cash. Plus, it includes the essentials on getting started, with valuable tips in all areas of business and an extensive resource list.
Fiber Gathering: Knit, Crochet, Spin, and Dye More than 25 Projects Inspired by America's Festivals
Meet the people, sample the flavor, and experience the kinship through 11 unique events and more than 25 inspiring projects Throughout history, we've gathered together in the market square. We're there to buy and sell, to get good deals on fibers, fabrics, fruits, vegetables, and bread, but we're also there to see friends, gossip, trade recipes, and admire new clothes. We've got an eye on each other's animals, and we're going to keep them from getting into any trouble.
Sell Your Business Your Way: Getting Out, Getting Rich, and Getting on with Your Life
Foreword by Michael Lewis, author of Moneyball and Liar’s Poker When huge conglomerates are sold, there are teams of lawyers, accountants, and other specialists to handle all the details and dirty work. But for entrepreneurs whose sweat and blood have built the company and made it what it is, selling the business means navigating new and potentially dangerous territory.