When Writing Workshop Isn't Working: Answers to Ten Tough Questions, Grades 2-5
Writing is hard work. Teaching it can be even harder. As most teachers know, writer's workshop doesn't always go as planned, and many find there are obstacles that they consistently struggle with. In his role as a literacy coordinator and teacher, Mark Overmeyer has heard the same issues raised again and again by both new and experienced colleagues.
Ponds, lakes and streams are homes to a host of fish, algae and other water organisms. Find out which creatures thrive in this delicate environment, and learn about those that live near the water's edge.
Fossil fuels were formed millions of years ago as part of a natural process in which the remains of dead plants and animals were buried and placed under extreme pressure and heat. Coal, oil and natural gas are the most important fossil fuels. But what are they used for, how do we find them and what can we do to preserve our limited supplies? Students will find the answers to these questions and more in Fossil Fuels as they explore these non-renewable resources of the Earth.
It's everywhere. People are always trying to avoid it and keep clear of it. There's only one question...what is it? Bacteria is the oldest form of life on Earth. Learn what bacteria is and where it comes from. Find out more about how bacteria can hurt and help us at the same time, and learn about its structures and life functions.