When Gus and Bean go to gather farm vegetables for Thanksgiving, Gus brings his camera along so that he can finish a homework assignment. Reading Level: Grades K-3 / Interest Level: Grades K-3
The Middle Ages were filled with many colorful characters, from valiant knights and regal nobles to sequestered monks. But the backbone of medieval society was the serfs. In The Serf, students will delve into the daily life of those who were bound to their lords’ lands and whose days were filled with difficult manual labor. Discover what it was like to be the child of a serf. Learn about the holidays they celebrated and the eventual changes in society
They were religious men who often lived sequestered from society in self-contained monasteries. In The Monk, students will learn about monastic life in the Middle Ages, exploring the simple lives led by monks, often devoid of many luxuries of the period. Get a firsthand look at the monasteries -- structures that often provided more safety than life in the surrounding areas plagued by war, violence and hunger.
Buying and selling goods to the general masses may not seem very exciting, but being a merchant in the Middle Ages ensured one a life filled with adventure. In The Merchant, students will explore the lives of these well-traveled entrepreneurs, whose trade in life generated the need for building medieval towns. Get a firsthand account of what it was like to be the wife of a merchant, and follow the path young boys pursued to learn a craft.
The feudal relationships during the Middle Ages established a hierarchy that deeply affected the social landscape of the period. In Social Structure in the Middle Ages, students will explore the complex relationships between a lord, his vassals and their serfs -- an intertwining of the wealthy and poor that ensured everyone in these medieval societies depended on each other. Discover the importance of land during this time and how ownership of estates affected nearly every aspect of life.